Meetings … for the greater good

2 min readMay 27, 2023

The greater good, as I see it, is working together to create something meaningful and significant. Emphasis on “working together”.
Do meetings right.

A recent dysfunctional meeting started off with
“this is your time together, so what do you want to discuss?”.
This was inconsiderate of all involved and outright wasteful.

This could have easily been improved:
>> Before any meeting, simply ask
What topics are top of mind ? What does success looks like at the close of the meeting and finish of project. Just ask.
>> Prepare
Prepare a simple agenda: Topic#1/Time/Leader, Topic#2/Time/Leader
this way, the discussion leaders will be prepared.
>> Give everyone a voice
To get the best possible work from everyone, go around the table and ask each and every person …. “Krish, is there anything you’d like to share?” “Chittra, is there anything you’d like to share?” Give everyone a voice.
>> After that, build on prior work
Build a simple plan of record, with success criteria
Build a list of action items, and owners, and due dates, add to future agenda

Especially for tech, we need everyone to contribute their best work. Give them a voice. Especially for tech, we need structure and collaboration if we are to accomplish (literally) anything.

Build something worthwhile, and work with good people.




Distributed Teams Strategy+ Execution | Product Line Manager | Storage Expert | Author | Patent Holder